Thursday... September 01, 2005
it was one of the great night we had.. we had 29 days left to be together... we wanted to make the most out of it.. so here we are... at 1920 Bar.. having the great time of our life... overtaking the thought of parting ways... of loosing our job... despite the hurt inside us, we wanted to smile.. to laugh... and to treasure every moment left within us...
Me, Kuya Ed, Kuya Art, Lundle, Dhes, Maey, Krispy, Charlotte, Alfred, and Lanie
It was aget-together we simply wanted to do to feel the oneness in us. We found ourselves laughing, doing toast every now and then, once in a while talking bout the "issue" but I can see in each in everyone's eyes.. the sadness... not of loosing the work per se.. but the thought of us.. having to part ways...
these are the happy times we will miss...
looking back, now we say...
we should have...
we never did...
we hope...
whatever it is, may we never regret the moments we
hated each other...
blamed noone but ourselves...
made sacrifices...
came late...
or simply lost our appetite to eat…
for behind those were the moments we
cracked corny jokes...
made fun of each other...
laughed out loud...
played uno cards...
slept well beside each other...
those were the moments that define who we are
what we have become
what we will be
it’s the INQUIRER TV legacy
they may have taken away our jobs,
certainly not our bitter sweet and lasting memories.