nearing the end...

I am wondering... in the next few months, where will I be? After the end of this month, will I be somewhere else? A different field? or still in the media world?...

Hmm.. I don't know. The scenario still doesn't sink on my head. But, everytime I go to bed at night, I can't stop thinking about the future.. most especially the coming weeks ahead...

Aside from myself, I am also thinking about my other officemates, especially the bread winners... I dont think its right that this problem we are facing now should affect their families, their kids...which is of course... undoubtedly will happen...

In a matter of weeks, everything will change... all of us here doesn't have any single idea on what the final verdict would be... but whatever it is I guess the best thing that we have now is that... we all have each other... walang iwanan... walang laglagan... tulungan hanggat sa makakaya...


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