Thank You in advance

It's the first day of the Yuletide month... I can already feel Christmas wherever I go.. from the extravagant christmas decorations at malls, on the streets, offices, every establishments, I can hear christmas carols all around the corner, people rushing off the stores for their christmas shopping, the mark-down sales on every malls, children's faces looking forward for that gift-giving moment... and oh... my old christmas list, which I had last year, having the list of my 17 inaanaks then, which now turned to 20, my families and friends whom now, Im having the terrible time thinking of what presents to give them.

So, I know you guys also have your own christmas list, right???? I dont want you to have a difficult time wondering what to give me or so.. hehehehe! so I am making my own "christmas wishlist" which you guys might want to consider on your shopping... *wink*

No! no! no! this is not to pressure you ao anything... just a simple wish list so you wouldn't mind asking what I want....

so the list goes...

> I am into the urge of collecting boxers now.... you might want to try herbench... i saw a lot there... :-)

> Home Accesories... anything to add kakikayan to my dear crib...

> True Star by Tommy Hilfiger or pwede na ring Be Clean by Bennetton

> Flipflops! Kahit hindi Havaianas, owkei lang!

> Get Happy Earrings! Oh! I love them.. soo much!

I still have lot of things on my mind now... but still have to organize my thoughts. But anyhow... at least I already gave you an idea... right???? hehehehe!!!!

Advance Happy Christmas Everyone!!!


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