Today I Pray...

... Lord, please help me value a friendship more than my own self's interest. If letting go means sacrificing my own feelings for my friend's own happiness, then teach me to handle it. Give me the strength to hold back my emotions and be the instrument of a new beginning for my friend. In time, I know that you'll give me more than what I want now and more than what I dreamed of.

... Thank you for giving me a true friend that inspite of everything, stood up for me. Who carried and walked with me through my ups and down. And, if it is needed to give up this little thing i have now, I would. Because, I value our friendship than my own happiness...

... Lord, guide me and show me the way to this road im walking right now. Put everything in place and be in control. It is you who knows what's best and I trust in you. Heal my heart and give me peace....

... Amen.


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