Mothers will always be our number one fan... "the last woman standing".... 

I miss my mom. Terribly. Now, more than ever, I am wishing she's here. It has been almost  6 years since she left...

She's the "wind beneath my wings", my bestfriend, my sister, my confidante, my partner-in-crime. For me, she's the best mom ever. She taught me a lot... and she gave me everything that I need.

All her sacrifices for makes me really guilty... those sacrifices in exchange for my happiness.

We've been through a lot... happy and sad times. Sometimes with misunderstandings but at the end of the day, we would share this laughter, more than as mother and daughter.

Everyday, she's still on my mind. Most of the times we meet in my dreams, still sharing the laughter. She's very happy now, with our Big Daddy...

And mom, I just want you to know that your little girl down here terribly misses you and yes, she's still the same girl you knew... but a bit grown-up now, i guess..

Thanks for your love mommy... that wouldn't be replaced by anyone. You will and no one can take your place as my mom... 

I will see you soon... and thanks for watching over me...



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