musings on marriage...

One of my closest officemates at 20+ just tied the knot with her honey last saturday.

As she walks along the aisle, I saw a very beautiful woman full of love in her heart and happiness surrounding her face. Knowing her so much makes me smile because I know that this is her happiest moment in her life. From all her past experiences, I guess she just deserve to be happy with this man she's going to be with in her entire life. The man who lovesd her more than anyone and anything else. I know everybody would agree with me...

And as they exchanged their "I do's", I wonder, she's just so lucky to find true love after a hurtful relationship. God is so great that he gave her what she deserves. Jojo is so lucky to have my friend...well. I guess both of them are lucky to have each other.

Then I thought, marriage is the time of our life when we have to take onother step, another level, another chapter of our life ... where we have to face a different world. It is when we decided to be with someone for our entire life. A big decision to kelangan panindigan.

So much when I realized, it is a big world where I am, being single... more to explore... more to discover. Sometimes I told myself "It's happy being single"... having a relationship with someone, going out, being free... but... if that time comes when I have to get married, will I be ready for it?

I am actually excited seeing myself walking on that aisle.. as my man waits for me at the altar... when all my closest friends and relatives are there... when everybody smiles for us...but... what about after? The life after marriage?


I was just so happy to see my friend contented with her life now... full of happy dreams... soon to have a wonderful family of her own....


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