Daddy's Girl

i am a daddy's girl...

that was how some people knew me... yes i guess I am... but that was when I was a child. I grew up spoiled by my parents (of course especially my mom) and daddy was such a loving and wonderful dad. I remember then how he would tell me stories, play with me, do silly things, laugh and most of all taught me so many stuffs that many people find me smart. I grew up knowing that I have a father to lean on. I remember how, despite of his busy schedule, he'd manage to take us out for movies, shopping, etc. It was our usual activity then to bond together every weekend... and that's when I thought I had the PERFECT family....

As an only child, I looked up on him, with all the ideals I have in a family. He's a lawyer and I am very proud of him. I am so proud to see that other people also looked up on him. And yet he stays humble. I knew then that he loves us so much... me an my mommy... together, i thought then, that someday... we would still be the perfect family that people would looked up to.
As I grew up, things changed. And oh! yeah, my brother. I have a brother though. Half-brother who's also in my age. I'm just 2 months older than him. And we are close.. really... we grew up together without any complications at all. We may have different mom but yes! we are really in good terms. Even my mom and his... everything was fine.

Complications as such didn't serve as a hindrance with my relationship with him. A lot of things happened but still, I can't find the reason to be mad at him. Because he's my father.. and because I LOVE MY DAD. Most of all, my relationship with my brother's side has become stronger.. even with his mom.

And now that I am all alone... I know he's still there. We may not see each other that often but I can feel his love and concern for me. We have fights sometimes but I guess it's normal. We'll just be quiet for a moment then eventually, things will go on fine.
I always smile whenever I receive messages from him just to say.. "I Love You" and then I would reply the same thing. Now I know I should say it because I never had the chance to say it to mommy. And I mean it.

And though I am a grown up now, now that we are talking about mature things, I can still see the soft side in him... and feel that I am stil his little baby that he plays with before. And I am glad that in some ways, we still have this bond once in a while which I treasured so much. His concern for me is much more greater than anything else.

I love my dad. Things may go out of way, I know he'll always be there for me.. same as I am with him. I don't care what other people say. I miss him.. a lot! If only I could....
I will always be my dad's little girl...

1 Comment:

  1. Monique said...
    hmmm.. familiar ah.

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