To know that there are true friends on your side who understands and stick with you in the most downfull moments of your life is enough to go on living. It is indeed a wonderful feeling that on the moment your life is full of twists and turns, you have a hand from someone reaching out and saving you from such disasters.

Secrets have been unfold.. Reality presents itself to the world... Acceptance is next...

What's meant to happen should happen and if it's not, then learn to let go.

"Hello & Goodbye".... Hapiness and Sad Times... Triumph and Loosing... Every actions has its consequences... and one must ready to face it.

I made a big mistake... that affects even an innocent angel... worst, he's gone... sad that I never had the chance to know him... he's now just a real angel guiding us through "our" life. Wishing that he could make a difference especially now that he's gone... that everything would be back to the same old happy faces that we had back then... even before he came.

People might misjudged me... asks questions that are really intriguing...

but then, im so tired of explaining... in the first place, why do I have to explain myself to them. I guess only those who understood need not to ask questions. And to those people who keeps on asking questions: Yes I know, it's hard to understand... but it has to be that way... and it should be...

Please just be happy for me...

Coz the coast is starting to get clear... again...

All because of an angel named "andrienne"


  1. Monique said...
    i'm here for you daei. :) *hugs*
    daei said...
    i know nik...

    that's why im so so blessed to have you...
    Anne said...
    everything happens for a reason. take care dearie & remember that you can talk to me if you want a listener.
    daei said...
    thanks anne!

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