
haven't been able to blog the past days...

First, i do not have anything to write about. Or should I say I am not in the mood to write about what's been going on. It's not that complicated though but its just that having to go on details again doesn't make me feel better.

Long vacation is over. Spent time with my daddy, my 3 little pamangkins who I loved so so much, my brother and my sister in law, and my tita. Spent maundy thursday with my cousins at Bulacan in time for my Kuya Olan's birthday. We had night swimming at the nearby resort, and im glad i found some peace while floating on the pool.

Back to Manila on Good Saturday.

It wasn't really the kind of vacation that I expected. I thought things would go on its way but sadly, my expectations failed me.

Dissappointment. Hurt.

I was left with no choices.

And I need to deal with things... the hard way.


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