

What my day was.

For the whole day, I haven’t talked to anyone in the office. (Aside of course from my boss who asked me to do this thing that caused me to have my own world today) They seemed to be afraid on talking to me or to even approach me. I didn’t mean to make them feel that way though. It’s just that they are already used to me when “cramming-toxic-can-I-just-stop-the-clock” mode of mine attacks.


Because I am doing this AVP for one of the MANCOM’s (Daddy Bu, who are very dear to us) 60th birthday celebration today. Really, it was a “photo-finish” job. I started doing the first few video clips yesterday and the remaining, well most of it I’ve done today.

I haven’t been able to go online, I wasn’t able to check my e-mail, no ym. The whole day, the only thing that’s been running to my Mac was the iMovie where I’m doing the video editing. Oh yes, Photoshop was also up. If there’s a need, I have also the Limewire on standby (for the songs which I don’t have in iTunes).

I’ve done everything in 9 hours. It was a 9-minutes AVP, which I am very proud to say was a “very good” AVP. Something that earned an applause right after showing it to the birthday boy and to everyone else. It was actually played 2 times as per their request.

Hardwork paid. A tap on my back. A “good job” phrase from almost everyone. And the wink and a high-five from my boss, it paved all the stress. Knowing that I have done a productive work today, its enough to say “I had my day”.


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