I woke up today and felt a different aura... I saw myself smiling as I get up from my bed. "This is going to be a beautiful day". I dont know why but I just felt different.

It seems that the past days have been so busy yet so enjoyable for me. Workloads are not that much and after-work activities are so much looking forward to. My workrout activities are fun... keeping my body in shape, feeling good after each workout... and meeting new friends.

It was a great feeling knowing that Im having a great time. Having someone to help me get through some of my "emotional torture" and making me feel the importance of my health and myself... giving me the motivation to workout everyday... challenges me to achieve my goal. And I am greatful that he's doing these thing beyond what he is supposed to give.

My officemates noticed this different aura of mine. Yup, they know that I am having the "moment" as of now and they are happy for me. Well I don't know until when will I be smiling like this, still.. im thankful I am slowly moving from this trapped caused by a certain "angel".

This could be a way of diversion but I don't want to take it as it is... because i never meant to make this as one. I am enjoying what I have now and im looking forward to more smiles...

I guess I need to thank you for bringing back my energy and for the inspiration. You may not know it but I am really greatful for the time we've spent and will be spending... Thank you for your smiles coz it really took me away...

Thanks for making me happy....


We are having our Brand Management Seminar today at the office. It's our lunch break as I am writing this and Im glad we had a break.

I haven't been to a seminar like this since the moment I entered the media world. And now Im back to the marketing industry, I am also back to seminars like this.

As the seminar started, I remembered college days.. my marketing class. It was so much like this. And I missed it!

But as it goes along, I started to feel bored... Not to metion the product example given... a sanitary pad.. hahaha!!! I almost can't stand the meeting.. still im trying to relate with it... This seminar would be up until monday... then a group exercise will follow... which I really hope would be a challenging and enjoyable one...

tonight would be Minnie's bday celebration. A swimming party at Ms. Cel's house..

ahhh... looking forward to it... i know it would be fun!!!


will miss gym tonight...

... and will miss someone too...


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